Friday, May 24, 2013


Do You Feel Like a Prisoner to Your Business, Employees and Customers?

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

As a business owner, can you walk away from your business today for one or two months and come back to find it operating smoothly and profitably?  Can you even escape for two weeks?  Have you ever had a work-free vacation?  If your answers are “no”, you don’t have a successful business, you have a glorified job in which you are trapped!  You don’t have an effective business system; you are the business system!   In a large sense, you are a prisoner of your own success. 

I admire, respect and serve business owners and their managers.  However, I get paid to help my clients “face reality” and then hold them accountable for the changes and goals they desire. 

No matter what industry you are in, you should not be a prisoner to your business!  If you are, you have it backwards.  Your business should serve you and your dreams.  It should give you greater freedom, not less.  In fact, your business, properly designed, should function practically without you, not because of you.  It should run predictably and automatically whether you are in the office or not, in the store or not, out in the field or not, on vacation or not. Your business should not depend upon your presence, personality, problem solving and perspiration for its daily survival.  If so, your business does not work, you do! 

Bottom line, you should run your business; it should not run you, your family or your life.  Your business should work harder so you don’t have to.  It should be systems-dependent and not owner-dependent or expert-dependent for its success.

Stop for a moment and think of the consequences.  If everything in your business flows through you and is dependent upon you, then you are restricting dramatically the growth and profits of your company.  As a single human being, there are natural limits to the amount of work, transactions, problems, and decisions that can flow effectively through you in a given day.  Stop being a bottleneck or clog.  Otherwise, you will continue to restrict the potential of your employees and business and ensure your persistent exhaustion.  Stop missing out on greater personal freedom, money and happiness.

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